Château d'Aiguilhe 2014 AOC Côtes de Castillon

Gemeinde: Saint-Philippe-d'Aiguihle
Önologe: S. Derenoncourt
Rebsorten: 80% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Franc
Rebfläche: 43 ha
Jahresproduktion: 200 000 Flaschen
Durchschnittl. Rebstockalter: 30 Jahre
Rebstockdichte: 6500 Stöcke/ha
Neuholzanteil: 80%

22,50 €
entspricht 30,00 € pro 1 L

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2014
Appellation: Côtes de Castillon
Alkohol: 13%

Château d'Aiguilhe 2014


Matthias Hilse: 90.92 Punkte

Genussindex: 18/20


"Fresh and open, with a kiss of toasted vanilla giving way quickly to lively plum and raspberry fruit. Offers a spice-infused finish. Should be a solid value.-J.M."

James Molesworth: 89-91 Punkte


Yves Beck:

"Pourpre violacé. Belle complexité olfactive, notes de graphite, cerise, touche de réglisse et de caramel. Attaque élégante, fruitée, séduisante. Un vin doté de tannins granuleux qui ont une belle ampleur et qui sont en accord avec la structure. Le vin a du gras et une touche fruitée en finale. Belle Excellente complémentarité entre la fraîcheur et la puissance. 2022-2039. 91-92/100"


Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"The Chateau d'Aiguilhe 2014 is a blend of 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc picked between 3 and 13 October, vatted for 30 days and aged in 30% new oak barrels. It has an immediately pleasurable nose that should remain intact by the time of bottling: bundles of juicy mulberry and strawberry fruit with a smear of vanilla filling in any gaps. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannin, a touch of citric fruit lending tension, impressive depth with a nicely poised, yet elegant finish. There will be better 2014s in Bordeaux but few with the QPR of this little beauty. The only downside? Pronouncing the name when you place the order. Say "de-gwee" and you should be there however, don't blame me if a case of something completely different arrives."

Neil Martin: 90-92 Punkte

Quelle: #218


Decanter Magazine

"Same stable as Canon-la-Gaffelière. Attractive dark fruit and vanilla aromatics. Finely extracted tannins - perhaps a touch more tender this year. Fresh, chalky finish. Will age.

Drink: 2019-2026"

James Lawther: 16.5/20pts ( 88/100pts )



Jancis Robinson

"Dark, sweet, dried-fruit aromas and pretty drying tannins on the end. Good intentions but slightly less oak might help showcase the fruit. Hint of green on the end."

Jancis Robinson: 15/20



René Gabriel's BDX Total

"Dunkles Granat, recht satt in der Mitte, rubiner Rand. Sehr würziges Bouquet, blaue Beeren, Tabakblatt, Szechuanpfeffer und Lakritze. Im zweiten Ansatz Rosmarinnadeln und schwarze Pflaumen, wirkt dabei dezent trocken. Fleischiger, körniger Gaumen, wirkt so noch etwas extrahiert, respektive fordernd. Ein Charakter-Castillon. 200'000 Flaschen Produktion - auf diesem Qualitätsniveauniveau. Bravo!"

Rene Gabriel: 17/20 - 2022 bis 2037




"The 2014 d'Aiguilhe is classy, polished and refined. Bright red cherry, raspberry and floral notes are front and center. Sweet vanillin notes from the oak still need to integrate, but otherwise this is a very pretty wine. The bright acidity of the vintage gives the wine an attractive kick of energy. Drink this gracious, midweight Côtes de Castillon over the next handful of years. The blend is 80 % Merlot and 20 % Cabernet Franc. Tasted two times."

Antonio Galloni 89 Punkte

Quelle: Februar 2017



Chateau d'Aiguilhe

63 Bourg-est

FR 33350 Saint-Philippe-d'Aiguille


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