Château d'Aiguilhe 2009 Doppelmagnum AOC Cotes de Castillon

175,00 €
entspricht 58,33 € pro 1 L

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 3
Jahrgang: 2009
Appellation: Côtes de Castillon
Alkohol: 14,5%

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"Tiny yields of 20 hectoliters per hectare have produced a wine with terrific fruit intensity, a moderately tannic structure, and hints of chocolate, cedar, spice box, and earth. Although not as big as I expected given the vintage, it is well-made and impressively endowed. Enjoy it over the next 12 years. (Tasted four times.)"Quelle: "The Wine Advocate", issue 188

90-92 Punkte


René Gabriel's BDX Total

Sattes Purpur-Granat. Schöne Kaffeenoten, Damassine, Lorbeerblatt und Gewürznelken. Sehr aromatischer, langer Gaumen, mit guten Muskeln und Fleisch bepackt, endet mit rauchigem Cassis. Sicherlich einer der allerbesten Jahrgänge und die Spitze in den Côtes de Castillon. 2014–2024"Quelle: "WEINWISSER" N° 5/2010

17/20 Punkte


Wine Spectator

"Spearmint, vanilla bean and dried dark fruits on the nose follow through to a full body, with silky tannins and a fruity finish. Still in reserve, but excellent. J.S."

90-93 Punkte


Bettane & Desseauve

"Deep and intense. The wine is generous, with wonderful style. It definitely has elegance and texture, but it's also amazingly rich." Quelle: "TOP 2009 BORDEAUX RATINGS"

92 Punkte

Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm


"(an 80/20 blend of merlot and cabernet franc, cropped at just 26 hectoliters per hectare; 45% new oak) Inky purple. Very rich, spicy aromas of dark smoky plum and blackberry jam are just this side of overripe, but manage to stay maintain vibrancy. This successfully continues its balancing act on the palate, with very ripe, luscious black fruit and dark chocolate flavors that are kept lively by sound, harmonious acids. Finishes long and smooth, with a lingering note of spicy plum. Stephan von Neipperg's Chateau d'Aiguilhe benefits from very well situated hillside vineyards, which drain well and get plenty of sunlight. The harvest here was relatively early for the area (October 1 through 10), which at least partly explains the success of this wine."

Ian D'Agata 89-92 Punkte

Quelle: Mai 2010


Chateau d'Aiguilhe

63 Bourg-est

FR 33350 Saint-Philippe-d'Aiguille


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