Clos Puy Arnaud 2009

38,00 €
entspricht 50,66 € pro 1 L

Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage

Nur noch 6 auf Lager

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2009
Weingut: Clos Puy Arnaud
Appellation: Côtes de Castillon
Alkohol: 13,5%

Genussindex*: 20/20 Punkten

Clos Puy Arnaud 2009


Matthias Hilse 93-94+Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"From a bio-dynamically farmed vineyard run with exceptional attention to detail, this 2009 had not finished malolactic fermentation when I tasted it, so expect future tasting notes to reveal more body and depth. Composed of 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc cropped at 15 hectoliters per hectare, and a natural alcohol of 14.25%, a dense purple color is accompanied by notes of chocolate, roasted herbs, creme de cassis, and charcoal. The wine is deep, full, and promising, but also painfully backward and ferocious because it was still in malolactic."
88-91+ Punkte Quelle: "The Wine Advocate" issue 188


Decanter Magazine

"Beautifully poised and elegant wine. Long and linear in style. Pure, expressive fruit. Fine tannins. Minerally freshness on the finish. Drink 2013-2020."Quelle:

**** 16,5/20 Punkte


Jean-Marc Quarin

"This estate has changed a lot since 2005. The positive effects of biodynamic farming are now fully paying: this wine has an incredible level of overall energy. In this 2009 vintage, a very small yield of 15hl/ha caused by hail further raises the sensation of density and depth. This wine has 14.25° alcohol level similarly to last year’s vintage at the same time and has not yet finished its malolactic fermentation. I have tasted four different samples which got blended in front of me from equal volumes. This wine showed a black color, a profound nose that performs both fresh and fine yet has never seemed so precise despite not entirely finalized. On the palate, the wine is distinguished by its opulence along with its woven character where juicy and pulpy expressions echo to each others. This Clos Puy Arnaud is deep, melting, elongated and very tasty. It finishes very long. Once again, congratulations to Thierry Valette. This 2009 vintage is better than 2005. Take note that given the non stable character of this wine, it is recommended to taste it directly at the estate better than anywhere else." 90-91 Punkte © Copyright, Jean-Marc Quarin (JMQ).

Quelle: Quarin, Jean-Marc © Copyright, Jean-Marc Quarin (JMQ)

Wine Spectator

"Intense aromas of crushed blackberries and minerals follow through to a full body, with a solid core of fruit and beautiful tannins. Juicy and succulent. Well done.88-91 Punkte .-J.S."



"Tasted at a negociant. This has fresh black cherry and cassis notes on the nose that has a touch of warmth from the alcohol. The palate is very ripe, but not over-ripe, fleshy and modern with ripe blackberry and plum, with sufficient freshness on the finish to makes this an attractive Cote de Castillon. Fine. Tasted March 2010."
86-88 Punkte Quelle: "Wine Journal,"



"Wonderfully rich colour, very joyful. And this has a delicacy and a purity that is really remarkable. 65% Merlot, 30% cabernet Franc, 3% Cab Sauvignon, 2% Carmanere. Biodynamic." 93 Punkte Quelle:

93 Punkte


Clos Puy Arnaud

7 Puy Arnaud

FR 33350 Belvès-de-Castillon


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