Château Haut Bailly 2009 AOC Pessac Leognan

Der triumphal hedonistische Haut Bailly 2009 ist eine Assemblage aus 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot und 3% Cabernet Franc; er wird sich Ihrer Neugierde in keinerlei Weise verschließen.

Der Wein ist in einer 6er OHK verfügbar.

299,00 €
entspricht 398,67 € pro 1 L
Dieser Wein ist differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2009
Appellation: Pessac-Léognan
Alkohol: 13,5%
Klassifikation: Klassifikation Graves (rot)
Klassifikation Chateau: Cru Classé des Graves

Genussindex*: 20/20 Punkten

Château Haut Bailly 2009

Veronique Sanders und ihrer Mannschaft ist es gelungen, in der an hochklassigen Weingütern nicht armen Appeallation Pessac-Léognan DAS Referenz-Weingut der Authentizität außerhalb des Médoc zu kreieren.

Der tiefpurpurne Haut Bailly entfaltet in geduldiger Schwenkbewegung ein Bouquet von reifen dunklen Beeren und Früchten, das in orchestraler Beigabe von feiner Edelholzwürze, gerade eben gerösteten Arabica-Bohnen, feiner Steinmineralik, eleganter Floralaromatik und dezenter Würze begleitet wird. Mit erhabener Eleganz, der Präzision des großen Wurfs und der inneren Dynamik in sich ruhender Größe legt sich dieser großartig distinkte, körperreiche, sehr komplexe und dabei doch elfenfeine Rebensaft auf die Zunge und verblüfft durch seine Klarheit und Reinheit, die kein Muskelspiel brauchen, um einen Spannungsbogen von höchster Wirkdramatik aufzubauen. Der in sich ruhende Wein ist das Synonym natürlicher Anmut und stilistischer Avantgarde zugleich.

Ich ziehe meinen Hut!

Matthias Hilse: 96-98 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"Medium to deep garnet colored, the 2009 Haut-Bailly hits the ground running with bold black fruit preserves, Morello cherries, baked blueberries and tilled earth scents with nuances of fried herbs, chargrilled meat and a ferrous waft plus a touch of menthol. Medium to full-bodied, the taut palate has a firm, grainy texture with a lively line lifting the core of muscular fruit, finishing long and earthy."

Lisa Perrotti Brown MW 97 Punkte (März 2019)


"I have had this wine now four separate times since I wrote my official review after bottling of the 2009s. It goes from strength to strength, and it is not surprising that it is now one of the perfect wines of this great, great vintage – the finest vintage of Bordeaux that I have tasted in 37 years covering that epicenter for world-class quality in wine. Much of it is attributable to winemaker Véronique Sanders and her boss, Robert Wilmers. Their incredibly draconian selection process and their enormous investments in both the viticulture and the estate as well as the winemaking facility have paid off brilliantly over the last decade. The 2009, which has an opaque ruby/purple color, an extraordinary nose of high-quality unsmoked cigar tobacco, graphite, blackcurrants and spice, hits the palate with a medium to full-bodied, saturated and rich mouthfeel, but an elegant and ethereal quality that is difficult to articulate. It is rich, complex and tastes as if it were the vinous equivalent of a remarkable haute couture creation from the late Coco Chanel. It is full-bodied yet elegant, powerful yet delicate, and remarkably velvety-textured, sumptuous and loaded with upside potential. It can be approached now, as most 2009s tend to be, given their richness of fruit, low acidity and extraordinary concentration, but the great complexity that will emerge from this fabulous terroir is at least a decade away, and this wine is set for 50 or more years of longevity. Kudos to Haut-Bailly!"

Robert Parker 100 Punkte (Apr. 2015)


"A dense ruby/purple-tinged color offers up notes of forest floor, subtle wood smoke, mulberries, black cherries, cassis and a hint of lead pencil shavings. There is even a floral component lurking in the intricate aromatic profile. The wine is medium to full-bodied with wonderful intensity that builds incrementally and has a long, silky, luscious finish. There is plenty of tannin, but it is largely concealed by the wine’s beautiful fruit and ethereal complexity. Given its virtually perfect balance, this brilliant Haut-Bailly should age effortlessly for 3-4 decades. This is a tour de force in winemaking, particularly for readers seeking the quintessential example of a Bordeaux that combines compelling complexity and finesse with significant flavor authority and intensity. I suppose we could see this coming as American owner, Robert Wilmers, along with his winemaker/manager, Veronique Sanders, continue to push the envelope. Yields were extremely low in 2009, and the final blend was an intriguing concoction of 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot and 3% Cabernet Franc. It came in just under 14% natural alcohol, which makes it among one of the more powerful Haut-Baillys produced. However, power is not the hallmark of this wine. This terroir is known to produce relatively light wines, and by reducing yields and picking riper fruit, Wilmers and Sanders have achieved a level of concentration and intensity that is unprecedented for Haut-Bailly. That said, they have not lost any of these wines’ stunning elegance, finesse or aromatic complexity."

Robert Parker 98+ Punkte (Dez. 2011)


"The greatest Haut-Bailly ever made? One can’t speak enough of the job Veronique Sanders has done in 2009, allied with the owner, the American banker Robert Wilmers, who has given her carte blanche authority. Tiny yields have resulted in the most concentrated Haut-Bailly I have ever tasted. Eclipsing even the 2005, the 2009 (a blend of 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot, and 3% Cabernet Franc) possesses 13.9% natural alcohol. Dense purple to the rim, it exhibits a precise, nuanced nose of mulberries, black cherries, black currants, graphite, and a singular floral component. A wine of profound intensity and full-bodied power, yet stunningly elegant, and never heavy or massive, it builds incrementally on the palate, and the finish lasts over 45 seconds. Remarkably, there is not a hard edge to be found in this beauty. The Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc were harvested between October 7 and 14, which explains their phenolic maturity. The wine’s extraordinary freshness, elegance, and precision are nearly surreal. This tour de force should age brilliantly for 40+ years. (Tasted two times.)"

Robert Parker 96-98+ Punkte (Apr. 2010)


Decanter Magazine

"Right from the first moment you look at this wine you can see that it remains young, concentrated and full of life. Clear smoked caramel on the nose, the texture is supremely silky and seductive, creamy in a way that sits against the taut precision of most vintages of Haut-Bailly and yet still maintaining control and poise. The aromatics are young and seductive, and the terroir has not yet fully overtaken the vintage expression, but it will do in another five or six years. A huge success.

Drinking Window 2020 - 2050"

Jane Anson 98 Punkte (3.7.2020 auf Haut Bailly)

"Dense purple red, quite rich cassis fruit with fragrant wild roses concentration, great clarity, depth and precision over succulently ripe vineyard fruit, still quite reserved, a wine of undeniable beauty and class. Drink 2015-30."

18,5/20 Punkte


Jeff Leve

"Deeply colored, the wine straddles the fence between its restrained, classic side and its sensuous, earthy, smoky nature. Full-bodied, concentrated and with a serious depth of flavor, the wine is all about its freshness, purity and length. Each sip wants you to take another so you can enjoy more if its smoky, tobacco enriched, earthy, pure, dark fruits on the nose and palate. The fruit is perfectly ripe, making this easy to drink. But don't let that fool you. The wine will be much better if you can wait another 7 years or so."

98 Punkte (Sep. 2019)


"Sensuous, deep, rich, luscious, concentrated and frankly, sexy, the perfume fills you with cigar wrapper, smoke, tobacco leaf, dark berries, espresso and wet earth scents. Polished tannins, length and persistence that just does not want to quit, the fruit is sweet, fresh, vibrant and pure. The wine was produced from blending 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot and 3% Cabernet Franc."

98 Punkte (Juli 2017)

Quelle: © with the courtesy of Jeff Leve

Revue du Vin de France

"Les observateurs attentifs ne seront pas surpris de trouver Haut-Bailly à pareil niveau (erg.: wie Haut-Brion). Le travail régulier dans le vignoble et les investissements au chai trouvent ici une juste récompense. L'assemblage (60% cabernet-sauvignon, 37% merlot, 3% cabernet franc) a conservé toute sa fraîcheur grâce à une vendange optimale des merlots (récoltés uniquement le matin et à juste maturité)."
18,5-19 Punkte Quelle: "LA REVUE DU VIN DE FRANCE" N° 541 - Mai 2010


James Suckling

"Aromas of blackberries, wet earth and mushrooms, follow through to a full body, with a solid core of fruit. Velvety and delicious, yet wonderfully structured. Muscular wine. Best ever?"

97 Punkte


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"Sattes Purpur-Granat, dicht in der Mitte, lila Schimmer aussen. Elegantes, warm ausstrahlendes Bouquet, nussige Töne, helle Edelhölzer, frisch gerösteter Kaffee, reifer Cabernet, fein und delikat. Im Gaumen cremig, elegant und von einer delikaten Souplesse, jetzt schon völlig ausbalanciert und auch Harmonie pur ausstrahlend, im Finale mit Pralinen bestückt und schon fast sexy, was man von einem Haut-Bailly eigentlich nicht in dieser Form gewohnt ist. (19/20).

12: Als Ersatz für die alten Jahrgänge (1934, 1945, 1953, 1964 und 1966) die wir aus unserem Keller zum Lunch mitbrachten, schenkte uns Veronique Sander drei Magnum vom Jahrgang 2009. Spontan öffneten wir eine davon bei Stephan Paeffgen auf Ch. La Reysse. Es war einfach nur geil und es tat auch nicht weh. (19/20).

21: Magnum. Mitteldunkles Weinrot, jugendliche Reflexe von der Mitte ausstrahlend. Das empathische Bouquet berauscht mit seiner enormen Terroir Wärme, respektive durch die reife Cabernet-süsse. Nussige Konturen, Anklänge von Dörrpflaumen, Korinthen, hellen Edelhölzern und dominikanischer Tabak. Mit jedem neuem Schnuppern legt er nochmals nach. Im zweiten Ansatz kommen Nusspralinen und dunkles Caramel zum Vorschein. Er wird üppiger, aber in keinem Moment fett. Im Gaumen äusserst elegant. Er wirkt deshalb so, weil seine Gerbstoffe royal fein sind und sich perfekt mit dem Rest des erhabenen, supereleganten Körpers ausbalancieren. Im Finale mutiert er wieder zu einer besonders weinigen Praline und endet deshalb mit berauschend. Eine Grande Dame von Léognan. Wegen den 100 Parker Punkten ist dies eine der teuersten Haut-Bailly-Editionen auf dem Markt. So um 250 Franken ist man dabei. Magnumflaschen kosten mehr, so ab 650 Franken. Danke André für das Sponsoring dieser Grossflaschenrarität. (19/20)."

René Gabriel 19/20


Jeb Dunnuck

"I continue to think the 2009 Château Haut-Bailly is the finest wine from this estate to date. It exemplifies the inherent elegance and finesse of this terroir while offering an incredible level of richness and depth, revealing a ruby/plum hue as well as a smorgasbord of black cherries, red currants, lavender, unsmoked tobacco, truffle, and flowery incense. Every bit as sensational on the palate, this full-bodied Haut-Bailly has a flawless, layered, multi-dimensional texture, beautiful mid-palate depth, and again, just off-the-charts elegance and finesse. It needs an hour in a decanter if drinking any time soon and has another 30 years of prime drinking ahead of it. Hats off the team of Véronique Sanders for this legendary Graves."

100 Punkte (Nov. 2020)

"Deep ruby/purple-colored, with loads of red currants, smoked meats, dried flowers, Asian spices and hints of truffle-like aromatics, the 2009 Haut Bailly is full-bodied, ethereally textured, super elegant, and possesses a purity of fruit that’s off the charts. In addition to a wealth of fruit, this absolutely perfect wine glides across the palate and carries incredible intensity and richness without any sensation of weight or heaviness. It's already impossible to resist, yet will keep for another two to three decades. This is the epitome of elegance and finesse in Bordeaux!"

100 Punkte (Dez. 2017)


Wine Spectator

"Lovely sweet berry and plum aromas, with hints of sandalwood and cedar. Full-bodied, with milk chocolate, berry and vanilla bean character. Thick and dense tannins, but balanced and very pretty. Sneaks up on you. Really powerful in tannins."

James Suckling 95-98 Punkte



"The 2009 Haut-Bailly has a very pure bouquet with blackberry, liquorice, hints of star anise and boysenberry jam, opulent and vivacious, a little glossy perhaps? The palate is medium-bodied with very supple and lithe tannin matched with a fine bead of acidity. Lovely balance here, fine tension with a insistent grip, layers of black fruit laced with cedar and graphite towards the very Pauillac-like finish. Superb. Tasted at BI Wines & Spirits' Ten Year On tasting."

Neal Martin 94 Punkte (März 2019)


"Medium ruby-red. Very ripe but subdued aromas of dark berries, black cherry, minerals, woodsmoke, mocha and smoky underbrush. Silky on entry, then utterly smooth and seamless in the middle, with outstanding concentration and lift to the berry, tobacco and hot rock flavors. Finishes with utterly noble tannins and outstanding, slowly building length and lingering perfume. This outstanding Haut-Bailly saturates every square millimeter of the palate without leaving any undue impression of weight. I was reminded of the time I was served three classy old Pessac-Leognan wines blind. I guessed that I was tasting Haut-Brion, but the bottles turned out to be Haut-Bailly 1961, 1945 and 1928."

Stephen Tanzer 94 Punkte (Juli 2012)




"Einladende dunkle Beerenfrucht, Brombeeren, Heidelbeerkonfit, Nougat, feine Gewürzanklänge. Kraftvoll, saftig und elegant, reife Tannine, die gut integriert sind, dunkelbeerige Frucht, mineralisch, finessenreich, feiner Bitterschokotouch im Abgang."

94-96 Punkte



Château Haut Bailly



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