98-100 Punkte
Quelle: www.robertparker.com
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Matthias Hilse: 98 Punkte
differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG
98-100 Punkte
Quelle: www.robertparker.com
18,5/20 Punkte
Quelle: www.decanter.com
16,5+/20 Punkte
Quelle: www.jancisrobinson.com
18-19/20 Punkte
Quelle: www.larvf.com
Quelle: www.bxtotal.com
97-100 Punkte
Quelle: www.winespectator.com
"Saturated dark ruby. Exotic, port-like aromas of blackberry liqueur, mocha and grilled meat. Fat, lush, saline and sweet, conveying an impression of extreme port-like ripeness. Huge, mouth-saturating flavors of dark berries and chocolate. Not heavy but doesn't exactly dance on the palate. Does this need years to shed some of its baby fat or will it always be a bit monolithic? Finishes with a boatload of ripe, broad tannins and palate-staining fruit. In a distinctly extreme style, and yet this maintained its sweetness of fruit for days in the recorked bottle. This is bound to be one of the most controversial wines of the vintage. I look forward to checking back in on it in 10 or 15 years."
Stephen Tanzer 92+ Punkte
Quelle: www.vinous.com Juli 2012
Quelle: www.vinous.com
Château Cos d'Estournel
FR 33180 Saint Estèphe
Dieser Wein enthält Sulfite. * Der Genuss- bzw. Subskriptionsindex beschreibt das von Aux-Fins-Gourmets bewertete Preis-Leistungsverhältnis des Weins bezogen auf seinen Geschmack.