Château Potensac 2009 AOC Medoc

35,00 €
entspricht 46,67 € pro 1 L

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2009
Appellation: Médoc
Alkohol: 14%

Chateau Potensac 2009


Matthias Hilse 91 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"A sleeper of the vintage, the 2009 is probably the finest Potensac ever made, eclipsing even the stunning 1982. This blend, dominated by both Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon, hit 13.9% alcohol, but the pH is a normal 3.58. Dense, rich, and full-bodied with lots of freshness, the wine reveals abundant red and black currant fruit, a distinctive minerality, and a plush, full-bodied mouthfeel. It should drink well for 10-15+ years."
89-91 Punkte Quelle: "The Wine Advocate", issue 188


Decanter Magazine

"Dense red, fine floral concentration, very good Médoc with depth, length and class. Drink 2014-18."
16+/20 Punkte Quelle:


Revue du Vin de France

"Issu d'une proportion importante de merlot (48%), ce vin affiche une gourmandise immédiate et une bouche très ronde et suave. Les tanins abondants sont parfaitement mûrs et l'ensemble sera facile à déguster rapidement, même s'il est doté d'un indiscutable potentiel de garde. Son fruit savoureux en fait un vin séduisant à un prix toujours abordable."
16-17/20 Punkte Quelle: "LA REVUE DU VIN DE FRANCE" N° 541 - Mai 2010


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"Sattes Purpur-Granat. Im Bouquet mit kühler, floraler Cabernet-Note aufwartend, recht tief. Im Gaumen aromatische Veilchentöne, fleischig-bourgeoise Tannine, zeigt viel Rückhalt. Langlebig, mit dem 2005er vergleichbar."
17/20 Punkte Quelle: "WEINWISSER N° 4/2010"


Wine Spectator

"Intense aromas of currant and blackberry, with hints of licorice, follow through to a full body, with a balance of tannins and a spearmint and mineral aftertaste. 87-90 Punkte -J.S."


Bettane & Desseauve

"Amazing density and firmness, but far from austère, it seems as though this might be the best wine the appellation has seen in five years."
94 Punkte Quelle: "TOP 2009 BORDEAUX RATINGS"

Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm


"(a blend of 48% merlot, 38% cabernet sauvignon and 14% cabernet franc; 13.9% alcohol; ph 3.58, IPT 71; 30% new oak) Dark purple-tinged ruby. Initially reticent nose opens with air to reveal cabernet franc-driven strawberry, violet, cocoa and mineral aromas. Then broad and chunky in the mouth, with red berry and black cherry flavors complicated by a welcome element of minerality. Became increasingly graceful with air, finishing long and vibrant, with very fine tannins. Deeper and more complex than usual for this wine, and a great success of the vintage. This wine avoids the excessive ripeness of many other '09s."

Ian D'Agata 89-91 Punkte

Quelle: Mai 2010



"48% Merlot, 38% Cabernet Sauvignon, 14% Cabernet Franc. Aged in 30% new oak. Great value (was 11 euros ex negoce last year). Chalky tannins, good weight of fruit, 13.9% alcohol, but nice light finish."
91 Punke Quelle:


Château Potensac

FR 33340 Ordonnac


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