Château Pontet Canet 2013 AOC Pauillac 0,375L

49,50 €
entspricht 132,01 € pro 1 L

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.375
Jahrgang: 2013
Appellation: Pauillac
Alkohol: 13,5%
Klassifikation: Klassifikation von 1855
Klassifikation Chateau: 5ième Cru en 1855

Chateau Pontet Canet 2013 - 0,375L

Château Pontet-Canet überragt in 2013 alle Weine aus dem Bordelais und bestätigt deutlich den Trend der letzten Jahre.


Der sattrubine Pauillac, der das über das normale zeitliche Maß hinausgehende Schwenken mit immer neuen Duftschüben, in denen sich warme Aromenkaskaden, die an exuberante exotische Gewürze ebenso erinnern wie an hauchzartes florales Blütengelüft, auf ein solides Rotbeerfundament, das sich ein wenig in die noch dunkleren Fruchtbereiche diffundiert, in mit jedem Atemzug neu entlfammender Intensität in perpetuierender wechselseitiger Durchdringung stürzen, honoriert, transzendiert mühelos die vielbeschworene Bordeauxklassik.

Trotz der ungemeinen attributiven Fülle des mit feinster burgundischer Noblesse gesegneten Safts gleitet das aromendichte, frischestrotzende, brillantklare, vollreife Pauillacelixir schwerkraftenthoben, im Stil eines flüssigen Apercu, in beeindruckender Reinheit, in deren höchster Ausprägung sich die Opulenz des Instrinsischen offenbart, mit der Aura dessen, der sich nicht umblicken wird, druckvoll durch den Gaumen, der so gerne das rückwändige Gleiten der oralen Enthemmung vorziehen würde, und läßt in seinem epischen Nachhall die Sehnsucht keimen, ihn bald im Glas haben zu dürfen.

Matthias Hilse: 95-97 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"A blend of 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot and the rest Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot, this biodynamically farmed vineyard (a rarity, but increasing in the Bordeaux viticulture), had tiny yields of 15 hectoliters per hectare. This doesn’t translate into super concentration, but this is certainly an outstanding effort in an extremely difficult vintage. The wine has a dense purple color, and classic creme de cassis, licorice and mocha and espresso roast notes that Pontet-Canet has displayed recently. The wine is medium-bodied, possesses excellent purity, equilibrium and sweet, but noticeable tannin. This is by no means at the level of the great vintages that have been so common of late from this incredible property on the Plateau of Pauillac across from Mouton Rothschild, but it’s certainly one of the vintage’s more noteworthy efforts. Give it 2-3 years of bottle age and drink it over the following 15 or so years."

Robert Parker 90-92 Punkte



Decanter Magazine

"Fine depth and purity of fruit that comes from the inside in a Burgundian manner, beautiful precision, balance and length."
17,75/20 Punkte Quelle:


Jeff Leve

"Showing more fruit character than most wines from this difficult vintage, the wine has a nose of blackberry, wet earth and cigar box. Medium/full bodied with plush textures, this balanced wine finishes with plum, licorice and ripe tannins. This would be a good wine in any year, but in 2013, it is remarkable. Interestingly, there is no second wine produced in this vintage. The yields were only 15% hectoliters per hectare. From a blend 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc and 1% Petit Verdot. The wine reached 13% alcohol." 92-94 Pts. Quelle:

Quelle: © with the courtesy of Jeff Leve

Revue du Vin de France

"Il faut oublier tous ses repères pour appréhender ce 2013. Introduit par une teinte claire, if affiche un profil délicat, floral et fin qui évoque davatange un grand pinot noir qu'un vin de Pauillac. D'une superbe complexité, avec une palette de saveurs inédite, il se révèle suave et surtout très persistant. Il ira très loin."
17,5-18/20 Punkte Quelle: La Revue du Vin de France No581


Roger Voss

"93–95Pts. Barrel Sample. This wine is very true to the vintage. It has an attractive fragrance and great fruit purity, along with touches of wood and black currant. It is a fine wine, while showing the lightness of the year." Quelle:


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"65 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 30 % Merlot, 4 % Cabernet Franc, 1 % Petit Verdot. 15 hl/ha. Dunkles Granat, recht satt in der Mitte, rubiner Rand. Das Bouquet zeigt insgesamt eine schon fast Châteauneuf-hafte Süsse, reife Pflaumen und einen Anklang von Dörrfrüchten, Malagarosinen, Feigen, Kakao, Assamtee. Im Gaumen geht diese nasale Süsse weiter mit viel Souplesse, eingedickter Birnensaft, viel Biermalz und wieder schokoladige Konturen im aromatischen Finale. Ein recht grosser Pontet-Canet, der vom Stil her dem 2012er gleicht und somit eine unlogische Herbstwärme ausstrahlt. Um das Anderssein zu erklären, muss man hier von einen Pauillac mit Colheita-Akzent sprechen. (2017 - 2035)"

17/20 Punkte



Wine Spectator

"An aromatic wine with a delicacy and suppleness that is exceptional for the vintage with blackberry, mineral, spice and flower character. Very fine tannins. Seamless structure. It’s a wine that makes you want to drink it with its pleasant savory, fruity character. Harmonious."

92-93 Punkte



Bettane & Desseauve

"17/20 Punkte [92/100] Coloré, suave, extrêmement diversifié et harmonieux dans ses arômes, texture soyeuse, mais sur un socle de tannin ferme. Beau pauillac en liberté dans le verre, mais moins imposant que d’autres."

Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm


"(65% cabernet sauvignon, 30% merlot, 4% cabernet franc and 1% petit verdot): Deep ruby. Very aromatic nose of dark plum, blackcurrant jelly and violet. Sweet and supple in the mouth, with lively floral flavors of dark fruits and allspice. Finishes persistent and pure, with smooth tannins, but just a little too diffuse for a higher score. Not an especially concentrated Pontet-Canet but has plenty of fruity charm. Production was 50% lower than usual at Pontet-Canet in 2013, and no second wine was made. Alfred Tesseron doesn't believe a second wine is necessary "if an estate works well during the course of the year, all the wine it makes should reflect this, so our goal ideally is not to have a second wine.""

Ian D'Agata 87-90 Punkte

Quelle: Mai 2014


Yves Beck

"Mittleres Rubingranat, violette Reflexe, breitere Randaufhellung, feine gewürzige Kirschennase, zartes Brombeerkonfit, Orangenzesten. Mittlerer Körper, dezente Süße, rotbeeriger Touch, zart nach Erdbeeren, präsente Tannine, wirkt bereits zugänglich, bietet unkomplizierten Trinkspaß auf hohem Niveau."
90-92 Punkte Quelle:


"Beautiful nose, very spring like, beautifully nuanced, very effortless. The yield was 15 hl/h, less than half the usual, but still 90% first wine as usual. As ever with Pontet, it feels vibrant and elegant, although there is not the depth and power of the past few years here. This would be a gorgeous wine to own and drink in the medium term. Nettle hints on the palate, certainly there is a strong hedgerow, brambles. Could drink it now, so soft are the tannins, but clearly this will age well, if less robustly than many Pontet vintages. Jean-Michel Comme was, as ever, quietly proud of the achievement, 'It was a year that was different in every way. We have focused on merlot over last few years, because the cabernet was pulling away so far, biodynamics has brought back quality to the merlot. Zero green harvesting, zero adding of cultivated yeasts; everything is different here'. Highly recommended. Drink 2019-2030."
92-93Pts Quelle:


Château Pontet Canet

FR 33250 Pauillac


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