Château Pontet Canet 2009 AOC Pauillac

Mit dem Pontet Canet 2009 hält ein Cinquième Cru Einzug in den Pantheon der Wein-Perfektion.

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299,00 €
entspricht 398,67 € pro 1 L
Dieser Wein ist differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2009
Appellation: Pauillac
Alkohol: 13,5%
Klassifikation: Klassifikation von 1855
Klassifikation Chateau: 5ième Cru en 1855

Genussindex*: 20/20 Punkten

Château Pontet Canet 2009

Mit unbeirrbarer Konsequenz hat Alfred Tesseron zusammen mit Jean-Michel Comme in den letzten 15 Jahren daran gearbeitet, auf der Grundlage radikaler Innovationsphilosophie den sechsten Premier Cru Classé - und noch dazu den ersten, komplett biodynamisch bewirtschafteten - zu formen. Die Rückbesinnung auf die Kräfte der Natur und ihrer Geschöpfe (die ersten 24ha der 81ha umfassenden Rebfläche werden bereits mit Pferden bearbeitet, um die Böden nicht mehr so sehr zu verdichten) fällt in eine Zeit, in der man andernorts den Segnungen modernster Technik frommt.

In kolossale Schwärze gehüllt, entfaltet der dominant dunkelbeerige, überragend floralaromatische Pauillac ein Bouquet von atemberaubender sensorischer Schönheit, in dem die reichhaltigen Fruchtnuancen perfekt eingebunden sind in einem Ensemble aus mineralischem Grundton, feiner Kräuterwürze und verblüffender Erdigkeit. Mit erhabenem Druck, im Stil aristokratischer Beiläufigkeit, mit dem Wissen um das richtige Maß, gleitet der imposant konzentrierte ? dabei aber ästhetisch äußerst wohlproportionierte, in ein Tanningewand von erhabenster Finesse, quasi von der ersten Adresse der Gerbstoff-Haute-Couture, gefaßte ? Rebensaft den Gaumen aus und gewinnt alle Aufmerksamkeit fast beiläufig im Sinne magnetischer Magie.

Mit der Reinheit eines Gebirgsbachs setzt die tief gegründete Cabernet-Frucht Médoc-Maßstäbe, der Gaumenauftritt erinnert in seiner Stilsicherheit an die ikonenhafte Grace Kelly, in einem großen Spannungsbogen von hoher innerer Vibranz, der seine Grundschwingung aus der schier unglaublichen Komplexität des in Süße kulminierenden Extrakts erfährt und der seinen Rhythmus aus der Euphonie der Taktgeber zieht, gleitet dieser vor Frische strotzende, eminent elegante und Geduld fordernde Schwergewichtler in ein Finale von epischer Länge.

Matthias Hilse: 100 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"Deep garnet in color, the 2009 Pontet-Canet slips sensuously from the glass with opulent scents of crème de cassis, baked plums and Black Forest cake plus suggestions of Chinese five spice, potpourri, oolong tea and menthol. Full-bodied, rich, spicy and oh-so-decadent in the mouth, it has a fantastically velvety frame and seamless freshness, finishing very long."

Lisa Perrotti Brown MW 100 Punkte (Mai 2020)


"Deep garnet colored, the 2009 Pontet-Canet is a little shut down to begin, but with coaxing this baby is soon firing on all cylinders with a full-throttle nose of chocolate-covered cherries, crème de cassis, boysenberries and spice cake plus tons of kirsch and cranberry sauce sparks and a beautiful undercurrent of emerging tertiary characters: cigar box, sandalwood, chargrill, truffles and cast iron pan. Full-bodied, rich, multilayered and completely seductive, the palate is charged with incredible energy, with a firm backbone of velvety tannins and seamless freshness providing solid grounding and promising a very long life ahead. It finishes with an incredible display of epically long-lasting flavor fireworks. Wow!"

Lisa Perrotti Brown MW 100 Punkte (März 2019)


"Tasted blind as a vintage comparison at the Valandraud vertical, the 2009 Pontet-Canet is a wine that I have tasted several times throughout the year. Here, it is clearly bestowed a very powerful and intense bouquet with raspberry jam, boysenberry, graphite and cold, wet limestone aromas - very well defined and focused, the oak seamlessly integrated. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannin, crisp acidity, in a funny way more like a 2010 towards the finish thanks to its structure. It still feels quite backward and with much more to give, a sense of coiled up energy conveyed upon the extremely persistent finish. It remains a deeply impressive Pauillac with decades ahead of it. Tasted December 2016."

Neal Martin 98 Punkte


"An amazing wine in every sense, this classic, full-bodied Pauillac is the quintessential Pontet Canet from proprietor Alfred Tesseron, who continues to reduce yields and farms his vineyards biodynamically – a rarity in Bordeaux. Black as a moonless night, the 2009 Pontet Canet offers up notes of incense, graphite, smoke, licorice, creme de cassis and blackberries. A wine of irrefutable purity, laser-like precision, colossal weight and richness, and sensational freshness, this is a tour de force in winemaking that is capable of lasting 50 or more years. The tannins are elevated, but they are sweet and beautifully integrated as are the acidity, wood and alcohol (which must be in excess of 14%). This vineyard, which is situated on the high plateau of Pauillac adjacent to Mouton Rothschild, appears to have done everything perfectly in 2009. This cuvee should shut down in the cellar and re-open in a decade or more. Anticipated maturity: 2025-2075."

Robert Parker 100 Punkte (Dez. 2011)


"It’s no surprise that proprietor Alfred Tesseron has produced a possibly perfect 2009. He’s been on a roll since 1994, and no other producer has done more work in the vineyard than Tesseron, who has moved to 100% bio-dynamic farming, reduced yields drastically, and instituted a draconian selection process. This vineyard, which sits on the high plateau of Pauillac adjacent to Mouton Rothschild, has produced a 2009 of extraordinary intensity and purity. It is outrageously concentrated, with silky tannin (the sweetest I have ever tasted in a Pontet-Canet as well as the highest measured), an opaque purple color, and copious notes of graphite, cassis, licorice, and subtle smoke and forest floor. Full-bodied and unctuously textured with striking purity and definition, it is a wine of colossal weight as well as elegance (in itself a poster boy for this paradox in 2009). This brilliant Pauillac requires a decade of cellaring despite its voluptuous texture. It should evolve for 50-75 years. (Tasted four times.)"

Robert Parker 97-100 Punkte (Apr. 2010)


Decanter Magazine

"Sumptuous black-fruits nose, vividly aromatic, as well as minty, stylish, and toasty. Very rich, broad, full-bodied and generous, with very ripe tannins and a lot fo spice. Perhaps slightly lower acidity than usual but has punch and persistence all the same. Approachable, just, but will benefit from more age. Good length with a chewy but not astringent finish."

Stephen Brook 95 Punkte


Jancis Robinson

"Tasted blind. Mid crimson. Sweet tea leaves on the nose. Nice and neat and satisfying with some light dry tannins on the end. Good for now and the future without being a standout. Quite spicy."

Jancis Robinson MW 17,5/20 (Feb. 2019)


"Yields a bit more than in 2008, with more grand vin too. 81 ha total vineyards. This year they are trying for 24 ha by horse. They can’t tell us the alcohol but think it’s 13-13.5%.
Very dark crimson. Firm and broad and very lively with real vibrant elderberry nose – there IS a bit of extra vitality in this wine! Very very nice and satisfying indeed. There is life to this and great breadth and depth. Intense richness that seems to come from the fruit rather than from winemaking. Something of Lafite’s complexity and integrity. Plus Mouton’s richness. Dry finish. Very well done. But it is not a wine you want to undertake young – still lots to sort out. Much less open than most. Dense – really quite dry on the end but appetising though very long term. Muscular. "

Jancis Robinson MW 18/20 (Apr. 2010)


Jeff Leve

"Everything about this wine is great. It is rich, concentrated, ripe, opulent, pure, fresh, balanced and interesting. The fruit, and its beautiful sense of purity is all there. Texturally, it is power and silk, giving you length, breadth and reason after reason to take another sniff and sip."

99 Punkte (Juli 2020)


"What makes this all work, is the perfectly ripe fruit that shows off its purity with ease. Supple textured, multi-layered and with a finish that seems to never leave, the wine is rich, luscious, opulent and mouth-coating. Intense, yet not heavy, everything is in balance. The mouth-coating finish hangs with you for close to 60 seconds. Not quite primary, but still obviously young, if you like wines with sweet, exuberant fruit, why not pop a cork and check it out? Else wait another decade for its real character to kick in."

99 Punkte (Sep. 2019)


"There is much purity here, this is like eating, perfectly ripe fruit off the tree. The supple-textured berries with their luscious flavors coat your palate with flavor. Yet, the wine is not heavy. Everything is in perfect balance, due to the lift and acidity. Full-bodied, concentrated and with a serious depth of flavor, this is still young, but on the other hand, it is so good, it is not a bad idea to pop a cork in its youth, just to see what all the fuss is about. Else, wait another decade. Either way, this wine rocks!"

99 Punkte (Nov. 2018)

Quelle: © with the courtesy of Jeff Leve

Revue du Vin de France

"Une fois encore, le château a produit l’un des plus grands vins du millésime, avec une combinaison exceptionnelle de densité, de puissance et d’élégance. Il possède une sève incroyable, avec une trame verticale qui le rend multidimensionnel et éclatant. La vibration du fruit et son énergie en font une nouvelle référence pour ce cru."


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"Sattes Purpur-Granat, dicht in der Mitte, lila Schimmer aussen. Intensives Bouquet noch blauen und schwarzen Beeren, Cassis, ein Hauch Dörrbanane darin und nussige Konturen, zeigt viel Frische und gleichzeitig eine wunderschöne Cabernet-Reife in der Nase. Im Gaumen von einer noch nie erlebten Souplesse, viel Schmelz über den fetten Tanninen, im Innern fein mürbe Tannine die dem Körper Fleisch verleihen. Wie sagte doch der damalige Kellermeister Jean-Paul Gardère von Latour? Wenn ein Pauillac in der Nase nach Banane duftet, dann ist es ein ganz grosser Wein! Recht hatte er, was mit diesem genialen 2009er Pontet-Canet bewiesen ist. (19/20).


14: Direkt nach dem Entkorken: Dunkles Granat mit lila Reflexen. Warmes Bouquet, Backpflaumen, dunkle Hölzer, Brotkruste, intensiv, aber doch noch extrem verhalten in sich. Eine kompakte Nasengranate. Beim Dekantieren, zeigte er eine gewaltige, mineralische Tiefe und legte etwas Trüffel frei. Im Gaumen mit massiver Adstringenz aufwartend, verlangende Tannine, zeigt dabei eine grossartige Konzentration, macht aber noch die Gerbstoff-Faust und gibt sich, kurz nach dem Öffnen noch völlig unzugänglich. Man merkt aber im Nachklang und von der kraftvollen Form her seine gigantische Grösse. 19/20.


Beim Wine & Dine: Hier hat sich rein gar Nichts verändert seit dem Dekantieren! Man spürt die ernorme Konzentration und auch die Wärme/Hitze des Jahrganges. Er bleibt aber sehr introvertiert und gibt wenig Aromatik frei. Im Gaumen ein Cabernetkonzentrat mit einer unglaublich versprechenden Zukunft. Dies mit dem verständlichen Handicap der jugendlichen Verschlossenheit! 19/20.


16: Sattes Purpur-Rubin, wenig Rand aussen zeigend. Die Nase ist erschlagend, obwohl man da vermuten kann, dass sich momentan nur ein Teil dessen zeigt, was später noch dazu kommen wird. Rote Fruchtnoten, Pflaumen, Edelhölzer, legt zu und zeigt immer mehr Schichten. Im Gaumen sehr stoffig, kompakt, noch komprimiert und so zeigt er an, dass er heute noch keine Lust hat, Gefallen abzuliefern. Somit bleibt denn die Bewertung für diesen schüchternen Boliden bei der Wahrsagerei. 19/20 noch lange warten.


20: Spontan mit ein paar anderen 2009er. Jetzt zeigt er so langsam was in ihm steckt. Es könnte durchaus sein, dass es sich um den besten Pontet-Canet der neuen und alten Zeit handelt. Hat mich zu tiefst beeindruckt!"

René Gabriel 19/20


Wine Spectator

"Wow. This has an incredible complexity on the nose of currant, spice, mineral and flowers. Full-bodied, with a great density of fruit and tannins, yet polished and beautiful. This could be the new 1982 from here.-J.S."


Bettane & Desseauve

"La propriété a fait le choix de la pureté et de l’élégance au prix d’un léger manque de monumentalité dans la texture. Ce choix a ravi toute notre équipe, admirative devant le merveilleux naturel des arômes, et la finesse superlative du tanin. Un vin très abouti, et le triomphe habituel de David sur Goliath."


"The property has chosen purity and elegance over massive structure in this vintage, and it was an excellent choice! Our entire team was enamored by the natural aromas and the superlative finesse of its tannins. A very complete wine, and a perfect example of the customary triumph of David over Goliath."

Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm


"The 2009 Pontet-Canet needs more encouragement from the glass than its peers, but it rewards the imbiber with seductive pure cassis and blackberry fruit, touches of autumn leaves and pencil box. The palate is medium-bodied with firm but fine tannin, a lovely bead of acidity. A harmonious, brown spice and smoke tinged finish fans out with confidence. You could open this now but it still has two more decades of drinking pleasure to give. Tasted blind at Farr Vintners’ 2009 Bordeaux tasting."

Neal Martin 95 Punkte (März 2019)


"Bright, full ruby. Pure, vibrant aromas of cassis, blackberry, blueberry, licorice, graphite and leather. Like liquid velvet on entry, then energetic and sharply delineated in the mid-palate, with penetrating minerality intensifying the pristine dark berry flavors. Most impressive today on the extremely long, perfumed finish, which shows suave, noble tannins and a magically light touch for such an intense wine. This wine is remarkably tastable today but it's also built for 30+ years of aging."

Stephen Tanzer 96 Punkte (Juni 2012)


"Bright ruby. Lovely perfumed aromas of fresh red cherry, blackcurrant and violet. Enters full, rich and very suave, showing highly flattering flavors of chocolatey red cherry and red plum along with very good energy, and yet I found myself wanting a bit more precision and lift. There is a wonderfully sumptuous, sensual side to this 2009's fruit. I've been a long-time fan of the wines of this estate (the '66 and '75 are must-buys for any serious Bordeaux lover), but at the moment I marginally prefer the more austere, classic 2008 to this charming '09."

Ian D'Agata 91-94 Punkte (Mai 2010)




Château Pontet Canet

FR 33250 Pauillac


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