Château Petit Village 2009

58,00 €
entspricht 77,33 € pro 1 L

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2009
Appellation: Pomerol
Alkohol: 13%

Chateau Petit Village 2009


Matthias Hilse 92 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"This consistently under-performing estate has made one of its finest wines in many years. The opaque ruby/purple-tinged 2009 offers up hints of toffee, caramelized red and black fruits, and spicy oak. Medium to full-bodied, soft, round, and generous with abundant glycerin, this beauty can be drunk over the next 10-15 years. (Tasted once.)"
88-90+ Punkte Quelle: Wine Advocate issue 188


Decanter Magazine

"Great effort this year. A sleeper. Dark and intense, the quality of the tannins extremely refined. Cabernet component (26%) evident. Ageing potential. Drink 2018-2035."
17,5/20 Punkte Quelle:


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"75 % Merlot, 18 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 7 % Cabernet Franc. Sattes Purpur-Granat. Fülliges Bouquet mit einer schokoladigen, pralinenhaften Süsse, nussiger Untergrund, verführerisches Karamell. Genialer Gaumen, ein richtig fetter, samtiger Pomerol mit reifer Frucht, Pflaumentouch und superber Pralinen-Schokonote. Erinnert an den grossartigen 1998er! 2016-2032"
19/20 Punkte Quelle: Weinwisser No. 5 2010


Wine Spectator

"This is sexy, with beautiful ripe fruit and spices. Full bodied, with focused fruit and a long finish. Racy. So focused. Class. Best ever?
92-95 Punkte -JS"


Bettane & Desseauve

"By far the biggest success in the recent history of this proberty. Unparalleled silkiness, and remarkably full on the palate. Certainly one of the stars of the vintage."
96-97 Punkte (Quelle: "TOP 2009 BORDEAUX RATINGS")

Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm


"(a blend of 75% merlot, 17% cabernet sauvignon and 8% cabernet franc) Ruby-red. Aromas of cassis, coffee and balsamic mint. Rich and round on entry, with ripe flavors of red cherry jam and milk chocolate given needed backbone by youthfully tight but not drying tannins. Finishes moderately long and sweet if a bit lacking in complexity. Very well-made wine, even if it can't match the best 2009 Pomerols for breed and energy. This year witnessed the longest harvest ever for this estate, with the young merlot first picked on September 17 and the last cabernet coming in on October 7. Tasted five different times with variable results."

Ian D'Agata 88-91 Punkte

Quelle: Mai 2010


Yves Beck

"Zart nach Powidl, reife Frucht, Nougat, Feigen klingen an. Stoffig, elegant, feine schokoladige Textur, präsente Tannine, bleibt gut haften, Nougat im Rückgeschmack, gute Länge, große Zukunft."
94-96 Punkte Quelle: Fallstaff 03/2010


"This has some rich red fruits that are immediately obvious. The tannins go to work right behind though, shovelling the saliva out of the way as they march towards the roof of your mouth. Good weight, and a nice lightness underneath it all. Quality wine and lovely coffee aromas behind everything. 75% merlot, 17% cabernet sauvignon, 8% cabernet franc. 70% new oak. Stephane Derenoncourt has been consultant at Petit Village, since 2006. 3,000 cases."
94 Punkte Quelle:


Château Petit Village

FR 33500 Pomerol


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