Château Mouton Rothschild 2012 AOC Pauillac

550,00 €
entspricht 733,33 € pro 1 L
Dieser Wein ist differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2012
Appellation: Pauillac
Alkohol: 14%
Klassifikation: Klassifikation von 1855
Klassifikation Chateau: 1er Cru en 1855

Genussindex*: 19/20 Punkten

Château Mouton Rothschild 2012


Mattthias Hilse 95-97 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"The intensely ripe Cabernet Sauvignon grown on the plateau at Mouton has produced an inky/purple-colored wine with the famous Mouton creme de cassis and floral characteristics vividly displayed. For the first time in a number of years they appear to have outdistanced their cross street rival, the biodynamically farmed Chateau Pontet Canet of Alfred Tesseron. Wonderfully sweet tannins envelop the enormous fruit and extravagant richness of this full-bodied Mouton Rothschild. With profound density as well as surprisingly sweet tannin, this terrific effort will probably shut down slightly and require 5-8 years of cellaring after bottling. It appears to have 30 or more years of aging potential, making it potentially one of the 3 or 4 longest-lived wines of the vintage.

Mouton Rothschild has produced one of the vintage-s most profound wines in 2012, and possibly the -wine of the Medoc.- About 49% of the production made it into the 2012 Mouton, which is a blend of 90% Cabernet Sauvignon, 8% Merlot and 2% Cabernet Franc. The harvest took place during the middle two weeks of October. This may be one of the few 2012s that comes close to equaling what was achieved in both 2009 and 2010, two far superior vintages. ."
95-97 Punkte


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"90 % Cabernet Sauvignon, 8 % Merlot, 2 % Cabernet Franc. Sattes Purpur-Granat, dicht in der Mitte, lila Schimmer aussen. Viel blaue Beeren, darin Damassine- Pflaumen, mineralischer Schimmer, Edelhölzer, heller Schokolade, vielschichtig, eine Nuance von knapp reifem Cabernet Sauvignon vermittelnd. Im Gaumen eine fordernde Zungenadstringenz, passende, aber auch verlangende Muskeln, noch aufrauhend im Extrakt, im Finale dann endlich das berühmte Mouton-Cassis, aber auch nicht so intensiv wie sonst. Ein eher leicht anmutender Mouton, der mich ganz stark an die Jugend des 1985ers, natürlich in einer präziseren Vinifikationsform erinnert. Und das war nicht der einzige Wein, bei dem mir spontan der Jahrgang 1985 in den Sinn kam..."

René Gabriel 18/20 2022 – 2048


Bettane & Desseauve

"Admirable texture de cabernet, saveur de raisin mûr et parfaitement respecté, allonge très noble, totalement séducteur, tout ce qu’on attend de ce terroir magique et un modèle de précision dans l’extraction du tannin et la prise de bois. Vin de référence dans le millésime."

18,5 Punkte

Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm


"The 2012 Mouton Rothschild comes across as quite dark and ripe in this vintage. One of the richest, most powerful 2012s readers will come across, the Mouton boasts striking aromatics and overall density. Mocha, chocolate, graphite, smoke, licorice and dark-fleshed fruits all meld together in the glass. I imagine the 2012 will need a good decade before it starts drinking well. Slightly roasted notes and copious new oak stick out today, but these wines have a way of coming together in bottle."

Antonio Galloni 95 Punkte (Jan. 2016)




Château Mouton Rothschild

FR 33250 Pauillac


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