Quelle: www.jancisrobinson.com

Château Lafaurie Peyraguey
Klassifikation von 1855 (Sauternes)
Klassifikation Chateau:
Sauternes 1855 Premier Cru Classé
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey 2009
Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:
Jancis Robinson
"Quite deep gold. Looks very fat. Not very much nose, and sheer weight is its strong point. A bit chewy. This should give pleasure but it's not one of the most subtle. Raw pear juice. Bit of a boxer. Though with good acidity"
Revue du Vin de France
"Le vin offre un équilibre très digeste avec 138g de sucres résiduels. Eric Larramona, le directeur, a assemblé des sauvignons récoltés en début de vendanges afin dapporter de la fraîcheur à son assemblage sans perdre de lintensité de lannée. Une option gagnante !"
Quelle: www.larvf.com
René Gabriel's BDX Total
19/20 Punkte
Quelle: www.bxtotal.com
Wine Spectator
"Focused and very clean, with apple pie and crème brûlée aromas. Full-bodied and medium sweet, with a fruity finish. A little one-dimensional. >br> 90-93 Punkte -J.S."
Quelle: www.winespectator.com
Bettane & Desseauve
"Un peu plus doré que dautres, mais conservant des reflets verts, grand nez de raisin rôti, ultra confit et généreux en bouche, larchétype du beau 2009 avec lopulence traditionnelle de cette source."
Quelle: www.mybettanedesseauve.frm
"There is some SO2 masking the nose here, which is difficult to assess. However, the palate is well balanced with fine minerality, bright citrus fruit, orange zest, a touch of white peach and apricot, good tension towards the finish with a dash of lemongrass on the aftertaste. There is very good weight and botrytis on this Lafaurie Peyraguey that linger seductively."
92-94 Punkte Quelle: "The Wine Advocate", issue 188
92-94 Punkte Quelle: "The Wine Advocate", issue 188
Quelle: www.vinous.com
Château Lafaurie Peyraguey
FR 33210 Bommes
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