Château La Conseillante 2005

425,00 €
entspricht 566,67 € pro 1 L
Dieser Wein ist differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG

Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage

Nur noch 1 auf Lager

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2005
Appellation: Pomerol
Alkohol: 14,5%

Genussindex*: 20/20 Punkten

Château La Conseillante 2005


Matthias Hilse 96 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"Displaying spectacular aromatics of mulberry, blueberry and raspberry fruit, a dense ruby/purple color, and sweet floral notes, in the mouth the 2005 La Conseillante is not as broad and powerful as Petrus, Trotanoy, Hosanna or Lafleur, but it is gorgeously silky, elegant and stylish. This medium-bodied, savory wine is a graceful, provocative and compelling Pomerol to drink now and over the next 25 years."

Robert Parker 97 Punkte


"With the son of the Nicolas family, Valmy, taking over and ratcheting up the selection process as well as the quality, La Conseillante appears poised to challenge its closest neighbor, l’Evangile, as the finest estate on the border of the sector of Pomerol facing Cheval Blanc in St.-Emilion. The 2005 will challenge the extraordinary 2000. Among the truly fabulous wines made here (i.e., 2000, 1990, 1989, 1985, and 1982), its deep ruby/purple hue is accompanied by an exquisite bouquet of incense, raspberry jam, kirsch, licorice, and hints of black olives as well as flowers. This broadly perfumed Pomerol exhibits sensational purity, sweet tannin, medium to full body, and outstanding elegance and finesse. The fruit is forward and precocious, but there is enough stuffing, structure, and density for the wine to evolve for 20-25 years."

Robert Parker 96 Punkte


"La Conseillante’s superb 2005 appears capable of rivaling their 2000, 1990, 1989, and 1982. A deep ruby/purple color is accompanied by a sweet perfume of black raspberries, vanilla, licorice, and hints of earth and pepper. Spicy, plush, and elegant with a classic floral component, superb concentration, beautiful purity, medium body, sweet tannin, and an overall sense of finesse (despite its intense richness and fruit), it will be approachable in 4-5 years, and will keep for two decades or more."

Robert Parker 93-95 Punkte


René Gabriel's BDX Total

05: "Fassprobe: Mit nur 38hl/ha der niedrigeste Ertrag seit Langem. Dunkles Granat-Lila. Wuchtiges, umwerfendes Beerenbouquet, viel Cassis, roter Johannisbeergelee, mit toller reifer Süsse unterlegt, ein zarter Veilchenton zeigt auch seine Frische. Im Gaumen rassig, tänzelnd und wiederum mit einem vollen Beerenpaket, Kokosnoten, roter Holunder, tolle Länge. Wie kann ein Wein so kraftvoll, so verspielt gleichzeitig so elegant sein? Die Tannine sind so fein, dass man seine enorme Konzentration gar nicht spürt."

07: "Viel rotes und blaues Cassis, parfümiert. Elegant und tänzerisch im delikat süssen Gaumen, Kokos im Finale."

René Gabriel 18/20



"Bright, medium red-ruby. Superripe, complex aromas of kirsch, musky espresso, fruity dark chocolate, spices and game. Wonderfully lush, sweet, dense and ripe; in fact, atypically large-scaled (this is 13.7% alcohol) and full for La Conseillante but perfectly framed by harmonious acidity. The light meaty quality is buried in dark fruits on the palate. The spreading, horizontal finish is very sweet, subtle and long, with fine-grained tannins and lovely lingering aromatic perfume. This beauty will be great fun to follow over the next couple of decades."

Stephen Tanzer 93 Punkte (Mai 2008)




Château La Conseillante

SC des Héritiers NIcolas, 130 Rue de Catusseau

FR 33500 Pomerol


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