Château Charmail 2010 AOC Haut Medoc

25,00 €
entspricht 33,33 € pro 1 L

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2010
Appellation: Haut-Médoc
Alkohol: 14%

Chateau Charmail 2010


Matthias Hilse 91 Punkte

Genussindex 19/20

differenzbesteuert nach §25a UStG

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"This impressive 2010 is one of the most powerful, rich wines I have ever tasted from this over-achieving estate in the northern sector of the Medoc. A blend of 50% Merlot, 33% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Cabernet Franc and the rest Petit Verdot that achieved 14.2% natural alcohol (a record at this property), it boasts an inky/blue/purple color along with a sweet perfume of blueberry liqueur, acacia flowers, graphite, espresso roast and white chocolate. The complex aromatics are followed by a deep, medium to full-bodied wine with outstanding concentration and texture. It should drink well for a decade or more."

88-90 Punkte

Quelle: "The Wine Advocate", Issue 194 auf


René Gabriel's BDX Total

"Sattes Purpur-Granat, dicht in der Mitte, lila Schimmer aussen. Süssliches Nasenbild, Brombeeren und Kokos, mittlere Fülle zeigend. Im Gaumen sehr fein und delikat, wirkt dadurch leichter als üblich. Die Finessen machen das wieder wett, aber etwas mehr Aromendruck wäre schon schön. 17/20 2015 - 2027"

17/20 Punkte

Quelle:Gabriel, René; „WEINWISSER“ N° 6/2011



"Medium red-ruby. Cassis, licorice, fresh herbs, flowers and a suggestion of leather on the complex, inviting nose. Suave and silky in the mouth, with harmonious acidity enlivening the dark berry flavors and drawing out the finish. Lovely dry but ripe wine with a smoky note on the end. Seems gently extracted for this chateau, and all the better for it."

Stephen Tanzer 90  Punkte

Quelle: Juli 2013


Yves Beck

90-92 Punkte


Château Charmail

FR 33180 Saint-Seurin-de-Cadourne


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