Château Canon 2010

175,00 €
entspricht 233,34 € pro 1 L

Lieferzeit 2-3 Werktage

Nur noch 9 auf Lager

Flaschengröße: 0.75
Jahrgang: 2010
Weingut: Château Canon
Alkohol: 15%
Klassifikation: Klassifikation Saint-Emilion (2012)
Klassifikation Chateau: St. Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classé B

Genussindex*: 19/20 Punkten

Château Canon 2010


Matthias Hilse 96 Punkte

Weitere Verkostungsnotizen:

The Wine Advocate

"Along with the brilliant 2009, the 2010 Canon appears to be the finest wine made at this estate since the 1982. Aficionados of this 50-acre vineyard situated on the top of the St.-Emilion plateau will have fun comparing the 2009 and 2010 over the next 30 years. Composed of 80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc that hit 15% natural alcohol (a record here), the 2010 offers up perfumed notes of spring flowers, crushed chalk, black currants, black cherries, earth, forest floor and oak. Full-bodied as well as elegant and precise, this brilliant effort needs 5-8 years of cellaring and should drink well for three decades or more."

Robert Parker 92-94+ Punkte


Decanter Magazine

"I loved the ´09 and this is as good if not better. Poised and elegant with great purity of fruit. Dense but long and linear. Beautiful texture and tannins. Drink 2018-2040"
18,5/20 Punkte

Decanter Magazine,


Jeff Leve

"From 75% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Franc, (which is the same mix as found in the vineyards,) the wine is deep ruby in color and reached 14.8% alcohol. Yet, there is no sensation of heat. People who prefer tasting by the numbers could have problems with this wine, but I loved it! An intoxicating perfume filled with minerality, licorice, black raspberry jam, hints of oak and chocolate, this is the richest, most concentrated wine produced by the Kolasa team yet. Thick, intense and filled with fresh, perfectly ripe plums, blackberries and licorice, the wine feels great as it falls over your palate and coats your mouth."

94-96 Punkte

Quelle: © with the courtesy of Jeff Leve


"Good dark red. Expressive, complex aromas of redcurrant, raspberry, iron and flowers; showing its cabernet franc side today. Then juicy, minerally and tightly wound, displaying lovely delicacy and grip to its red fruit and floral flavors. Finishes gripping and taut, with talc-like chalky tannins and a light touch. Very gracefully made wine--and hardly a blockbuster. I may be underrating this."

Stephen Tanzer 92+ Punkte

Quelle: Juli 2013


Yves Beck

"Sehr dunkles Rubingranat, violette Reflexe; zart tabakig unterlegtes dunkles Beerenkonfit, zart nach Nougat und Honig; frische Herzkirschen, elegant, ausgewogen, finessenreicher Säurebogen, gut integrierte Tannine, rotbeerige Nuancen im Nachhall, gutes Entwicklungspotenzial."
93-95 Punkte

Moser, Peter FALLSTAFF 03/2011


"Canon gehört wie Rauzan-Ségla der Familie Wertheimer. Als Verwalter amtiert John Kolassa, und der mag ausgewogene, elegante Weine. Der Canon 2010 ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür: Wo so viele andere Saint-Emilion-Güter Weine im Fass haben, deren Alkohol-Säure-Tannin-Gerüst in alle Richtungen auseinanderstrebt, verzichtet Canon auf vordergründige Masse, tritt im Gegenteil herrlich dicht und geschlossen auf, mit superber Aromatik und raffi nierter Textur, präsentem Tannin von exquisitem Schliff und ellenlangem Finale reifer Waldbeeren. 2020 bis 2040."
19/20 Punkte

VINUM, Heft 6/2011


Château Canon

lieu dit Saint Martin

Route Du Milieu

FR 33330 Saint Emilion


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